Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Reflecting on my performance using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle.


On wednesday 7th of july 2021 I performed Gusty Garden Galaxy for the class at the music room at Westland High School on the piano.


Before the performance I was feeling nervousDuring the performance I felt good at the start of the piece. But later in the performance when I was in the middle I felt horrible, because I hit a wrong note and that through me off so I missed heaps of notes after.


Overall, I felt the performance wasn't as good as I'd hoped. From a technical perspective, the followings areas worked well for me: the first 3-4 chords, whilst I felt I could work more on these areas: the rest of the piece.


Before the performance, I had focused on improving the following aspects of my technique: left hand octaves and working on unfamiliar chord shapes. To do this, I had been working on the following practise techniques: left hand octaves and working on unfamiliar chord shapes. I haven't practised improving these techniques with specific exercises yet. I've been practising the entire piece for two weeks. During my performance, I also noted the following areas that I could still improve: fluency. To improve on this I will: break it into sections and practice each section. During the performance I was feeling uncomfortable- this effected the areas I had worked on before the performance in the following ways: it made me feel pressured and made me muck up.


It's apparent that I now need to work on the following areas to improve my performance of my piece: fluency, or playing the piece from start to finish. Looking at the amount of time I had put into preparing the performance and how it went overall, I think that I need to do the following things in my practise routine in order to improve my performance for next time: practice it regularly, in sections. Based on how much time I put into preparing my performance and the progress I made, I think I need to allow  about two weeks time to see improvement in these areas.

What next

I'm going to take the following actions in order to prepare for my next performance: practice the whole thing and the game over theme from the same game just to add a bit of spice to the piece at the and to make it feel like it has an ending instead of just stopping